Build a website with blogdown in R

The workshop provides a practical guide for crateing websites using the blogdown package in R that allows you to create websites from R Markdown files using Hugo, an open-source static site generator written in Go. In this workshop you learn how to create dynamic R Markdown documents to build static websites allowing you to use R code to render the results of your analysis. The blogdown through the use of R Markdown allows technical writing allowing you to add graphs, tables, LaTeX equations, theorems, citations, and references. This makes blogdown an perfect tool for designing websites to communicate your R data story telling or just awesome general-purpose websites. After you create your awesome website using the blogdown and Hugo template you can push it onto your GitHub and deploy on Netlify all free of charge.


  • Apply HUGO theme to create a website using the blogdown
  • Personalise the website
  • Deploy site from your computer to the Internet
  • Use GitHub for version control
  • Use Netlify for continuous deployment
  • Updating your website: serving site, push to GitHub, deploy

This course is available at 👉

👉 Go to the following GitHub repo to download the material: and follow the steps given in the Xaringan presentation available from 👉 here

Figure 1: Xaringan presentation

The workshop has been delivered at eRum!2020 - European R Users Meeting
