I am a long-time R user with a doctorate in Statistics from the University of Manchester. I spent many years working in the U.K. university sector as a senior lecturer and have published an extensive number of articles and papers in the field of quantile regression. I love sharing knowledge and I use R to create various platforms with education materials that can help people learn to extract insight from data. Unsurprisingly, I am an enthusiastic R user and in addition to my involvement supporting women in STEM related activities, I am dedicated to creating an inclusive culture by developing initiatives supporting all underrepresented groups within the DS community.
Download my resumé.
PhD in Statistics, 2011
University of Manchester, U.K.
PGCert. Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 2003
University of Central Lancashire, U.K.
BSc, Information Systems Engineering, 1998
University of Belgrade, Serbia
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