Tatjana Kecojevic

Tatjana Kecojevic

statistician and ever evolving data scientist

Sister Analyst

I am a long-time R user with a doctorate in Statistics from the University of Manchester. I spent many years working in the U.K. university sector as a senior lecturer and have published an extensive number of articles and papers in the field of quantile regression. I love sharing knowledge and I use R to create various platforms with education materials that can help people learn to extract insight from data. Unsurprisingly, I am an enthusiastic R user and in addition to my involvement supporting women in STEM related activities, I am dedicated to creating an inclusive culture by developing initiatives supporting all underrepresented groups within the DS community.

Download my resumé.


  • Statistical modelling
  • Statistical computing
  • Open-access education
  • Data democracy


  • PhD in Statistics, 2011

    University of Manchester, U.K.

  • PGCert. Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 2003

    University of Central Lancashire, U.K.

  • BSc, Information Systems Engineering, 1998

    University of Belgrade, Serbia
