Pattern of sex differences in growth of Saudi children and adolescents


The data set was based on a cross-sectional representative sample of the Saudi population of healthy children and adolescents from birth to 19 years of age. Body measurements (length, height, weight, and head circumference) were performed according to standard recommendations; body mass index was also determined for each subject. The difference in growth between boys and girls was assessed based on z scores and percentiles (5th, 50th, and 95th) of growth parameters using 2 age groups (0–3 years and 2–19 years). The significance of the difference between boys and girls for any growth parameter was tested by ANCOVA.

Gender Medicine

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Tatjana Kecojevic
Tatjana Kecojevic
statistician and ever evolving data scientist

My research work has developed my knowledge and skills within the area of applied statistical modelling. As such, the area of my research enhances the opportunities for cross discipline projects.

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