Regional variations in the growth of Saudi children and adolescents

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The 2005 Saudi reference was based on a cross-sectional representative sample of the Saudi population of healthy children and adolescents from birth to 18 years of age. Body measurements of the length, stature, weight, head circumference and calculation of the BMI were performed according to stan- dard recommendations. Percentile construction and smoothing were performed using the LMS (lambda, mu and sigma) methodology, followed by transformation of all individual measurements into standard deviation scores. Factors such as weight for age, height for age, weight for height, and head circumference for children from birth to 3 years, stature for age, head circumference and body mass index for children between 2-18 years of age were assessed. Subsequently, variations in growth between the three main regions in the north, southwest, and center of Saudi Arabia were calculated, with the Bonferoni$\colon$ method used to assess the significance of differences between regions.

Annals of Saudi Medicine

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Tatjana Kecojevic
Tatjana Kecojevic
statistician and ever evolving data scientist

My research work has developed my knowledge and skills within the area of applied statistical modelling. As such, the area of my research enhances the opportunities for cross discipline projects.

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