Setting up the computer environment for all participants of an R workshop can be a daunting and exasperating task. Installing and setting up the softwares and obtaining necessary files could give a confusing tone right at the beginning of the workshop before you have even started with the programme delivery. Not messing up with setup and being able to start using R in the same fashion as other people in the group is desirable not just to the workshop participants, but to the instructor. There are a few options available for setting up RStudio in a browser. Using RStudio Server enables you to setup working environment tailored to your specific audience. It helps by removing any frustrations for the participants caused by downloads of the required files and installations from other workshop activities that you really want them to focus on. Setting up RStudio Server on Amazon Web Service (ASW), called an EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) instance, is not difficult. You can customise the working environment to meet your needs by installing globally required packages, adding the data and the script files you want participants to have available when running RStudio in their browsers. Another alternative that has become recently available is RStudio Cloud. Although RStudio Cloud is an alpha version and it is still under development you could already do pretty much everything you are able by setting up your own RStudio Server. This talk will illustrate the possibilities and benefits of using RStudio in a browser that could provide a great environment for teaching and learning data science with R.